
Welcome! We are a small family business specializing in the most nutrient-dense, delicious homemade wheat bread you can find. Have you read the ingredients on the label of your store bought bread? Most bread from the store these days have lots of ingredients and some things you don't even recognize. The flour is bleached and then enriched. One of the first ingredients to most bread is high fructose corn syrup or sugar. And, most are full of preservatives. This is not good for your body! (Please find links to some articles on the side bar talking about these issues.)

Our bread is different - good different! It is nutritious and delicious. We grind the wheat and bake it into bread the same day. This ensures that no nutrients are lost. The bread has only a handful of ingredients and all are natural.

Now, you may be thinking that this bread must be hard and dense to have these qualities. Not so! Our bread is light and makes the perfect sandwich bread. Our kids eat it and love it. It truly is 'Better Than Cake'.

If you found our website through a flyer, most likely it was delivered with a free 1/2 loaf sample. You already know this bread is delicious. If you were referred by a friend, we would be happy to deliver 1/2 a loaf of fresh bread as a sample for you.

We offer free day and evening delivery for Columbia, MO (outside city limits have a small delivery fee). Mix-n-Match your favorite three loaves for just $10. This bread freezes amazingly well so feel free to buy more and freeze the extra.

Types of Bread:
1 - Whole wheat bread (made with a combination of red hard wheat and red white wheat)
2 - Whole wheat plus whole grain bread. A variety of cracked/rolled grains are added in the bread, including: barley, rye, oats, and sunflower seeds)
3 - Whole Wheat/Ezekial blend: a blend of grains and legumes are ground up and added to the whole wheat for extra protein and nutrients.

4 - Lemon Zest

5 - White bread option

Bread can be customized however you would like. We have more options that we've experimented with that our family greatly enjoys.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Contact Us!

To place an order or for more information, you can call or email:


Currently we offer two delivery times a week: Tuesday evening and Thursday morning. If these times absolutely do not work, please contact us.

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